MATCHBOX (UK) Have you ever been to see a band from the 70's and turned up to find out the only remaining original member was the drummer, singer or bass player? Well, try going along to see Matchbox.... not only will you hear their string of hits from the era, including top tens such as When You Ask About Love, Midnight Dynamos and not forgetting their million seller classic Rockabilly Rebel, but you will also be amazed to find the exact line up that made all those records. If this is not unique, it is very rare indeed.
Matchbox was originally formed back in 1971 with a line-up that included both Steve and Fred. Graham joined them from the Hellraisers in 1977, but it was their amalgamation a little later with Jimmy and Gordon from the Cruisers that formed the band we know today. Their big breakthrough came soon after when they were selected to back Bo Diddley and support Carl Perkins on a sell-out European tour. Following reviews in the music press, they were approached by Magnet Records and offered their first major recording contract.
The rest, as they say, is history... The release of Buzz Buzz saw the band get enormous airplay as it crept to a respectable position in the charts. The next one, Rockabilly Rebel, became a worldwide hit, quickly followed by When You Ask About Love, Midnight Dynamos and Over The Rainbow. Over 5 Million records were sold in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, etc. Numerous TV shows and tours with the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Chuck Berry and many more, established the band as a major headline attraction. Throughout this period, Matchbox always remained true to their roots.
Eventually time and changing tastes meant the hits stopped coming and the various members went off to do other projects. Graham still performed occasionally with whichever rockabilly desperadoes were available at the time. Then, back in 1996, as the rockabilly and rock'n'roll scenes saw another surge of interest, someone had the good sense to get these five guys back together again to do a couple of shows. Then they did a couple more...
BULL'S EYE Yhtye soittaa letkeää ja mukaansa tempaavaa 50-luvun amerikkalaista Rock´n´Rollia sekä Rockabillyä. Hiukan vähemmän kuultuja covereita. Bändi on perustettu 1989, ja toiminut koko ajan siitä asti. Paljon kysytty mutta harvoin keikkaileva. Aikanaan soittanut mm. JOE CLAYn taustalla Suomen keikalla, sekä esiintynyt samoilla lavoilla mm. CARL PERKINSIN, CRAZY CAVANIN, MATCHBOXIN kanssa. Espanjaa kiersivät Englantilaisen RED HOT and BLUEn kanssa. Levytyksiä löytyy useita vuosikymmenten varrelta joista osa jo keräilyharvinaisuuksia.
Yhtyeessä soittavat:
JARI NURMI - laulu MAUKKA TAIPALE - kitara VESA MÄNTY - kontrabasso JARI SAARI - rummut
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