event-377621 event-377621


Tumppi Varonen & Problems

Järjestäjä:Taco 4 Wine
Paikka:Taco 4 Wine
Osoite:Asema-aukio 2
11100 Riihimäki


Tumppi Varonen & Problems

The band Problems piloted by Tumppi Varonen is known as one of the pioneers of Finnish punk rock. The band's debut album was released in 1980 and contains "Katupoikien laulun", which became Problems' most famous song.

The group was founded already in 1977 and the first single "Ei tää lama päähän käy" was released the very next year. At that time, the lineup included Tumppi Varonen (vocals, bass), Ari Taskinen (guitar) and Jallu Salkamo (drums).

The composition of the band has changed over the years and Varonen is also known for several Pelle Miljoona bands. The current band Problems consists of Tumppi Varonen (vocals), Petri Peevo (guitar, vocals), Heikki Hiekkasalmi (bass, vocals) and Kimmo Kosenius (drums, vocals).

The band is good when heard on record, but at its best live. There are plenty of classics: Katupoikien laulu, Raitsikka oot, Ei tää lama päähän käy, Mä haluun mennä, Rotta, Ei mulla oo elämää varten kaavaa ja Mun tie. In honor of Ari Taskinen's memory, the set also includes the songs: Tahdon rakastella sinua, Lanka paalaa and Äiti älä itke.

Liput ovelta 30 €, mikäli jäljellä.

Paikan päällä eteispalvelumaksu 3 €.

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